“Life flourishing in Insch” 

Jesus said, “I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.”

Our prayer and aim is that our community, our church and each of us as individuals would experience God’s gift of life that Jesus came to bring us. Our mission is to be a church that is alive with God and enables our community to experience Jesus’ gift of life. To do this we are committed to being:

Loving – This means knowing and experiencing God’s amazing love for us and in response: loving God with all our heart and soul and mind (Matthew 22:37); loving our neighbour as ourselves (Matthew 22:39); loving each other as Jesus has loved us (John 15:12) and even learning to love our enemies (Matthew 5:44).

Inspired – This means being led and guided by the Holy Spirit and the Bible. We want to allow God to lead us by listening and acting on what the Spirit is saying to us and the Bible is teaching us. This is the best way for us to live our lives and to enable other people to see and experience God’s gift of life.

Faithful – This means being committed to trust and follow Jesus in every area of our lives, for the whole of our lives. Jesus is our leader, our guide, our teacher, our inspiration, our rescuer. It is only through trusting and following him that we can experience and share God’s gift of life.

Engaged – As the Father sent Jesus into the world, Jesus sends us into the world. We are therefore committed to being actively involved in the world we live, seeking to love and serve the community we are part of. We want to play our part in God’s project of enabling life to flourish in Insch.


As a church family we recognise that we are far from perfect and as we look to the future we want the following values to describe us and flourish amongst us:

Jesus centred – we want to be led and guided, inspired and taught by Jesus. He is the one we worship and follow. Jesus is the hope for us and our community. Life will flourish in Insch as we allow Jesus to be more and more at the centre of our lives, our church and our community.

Outward looking – we believe the church exists to love and serve God and the community God has put us in. We are committed to focusing on the needs of our community and not simply ourselves.

Forward thinking – we want the church in Insch to be healthy and growing and as such we are committed to always thinking about the future and to taking whatever risks are necessary to make it a good future.

Enjoying diversity – we want to be a church where everyone feels welcomed and is able to be themselves. We want to be a church that values different traditions and enjoys the rich diversity God gives us.

All Age – we want to be a church where people of all ages are respected and loved and enabled to be part of the church family and to become all that God has made them to be.

Being ourselves – our aim is not to try and copy other churches or compete with other churches but to be the church God has made us to be and to play our part in God’s good plan for Insch.

Grace and Love – we recognise that we will never be the perfect church and as such we are committed to showing grace and love to each other and learning from our mistakes.